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뼈다귀탕Spicy Pork bone Soup

뼈다귀탕Spicy Pork bone Soup

뼈다귀탕(감자탕) Spicy Pork bone Soup


Gamjatang,Spicy Pork bone Soup (감자탕), also known as pork backbone stew, is a hearty Korean soup made with pork spine bones, potatoes, perilla leaves, ground sesame seeds, sesame leaves, red chili peppers, green onions, and garlic, boiled to a rich and spicy broth. It's renowned for its rich texture and flavor, with the addition of perilla leaves enhancing its savory profile. Sometimes referred to as "bone soup with potatoes," "bone hangover soup," or "pork spine and perilla leaf stew," this dish is popular in Korea as a hangover cure, meal option, late-night snack, or accompaniment to alcoholic beverages.


감자탕(Gamja-tang, pork back-bone stew)은 돼지 등뼈와 감자, 우거지, 갈은 들깨, 깻잎, 붉은 고추, 파, 마늘 등을 넣어 맵고 진하게 끓여 걸죽하고 얼큰한 맛이 나는 한국의 국물 요리이다.건더기가 풍부하고 우거지가 들어가있어 끓일수록 구수한 맛이 나기도 한다. 뼈다귀감자탕, 뼈다귀해장국, 돼지등뼈우거지탕 이라고도 한다.[2] 한국에서는 해장국, 식사메뉴, 야식, 술안주 등으로 인기가 있는 요리에 해당한다.

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